Lai Marketing Agency

Here is Why Your Business Needs to be On TikTok

TikTok Marketing


I was listening to a popular podcast where Vusi Thembekwayo, a highly respected, paid, and intelligent public speaker, was invited as a guest. During the interview, Vusi shared a fascinating story about his TikTok journey.

“I was at a gym,” he said. “The trainer saw me and quickly remarked, ‘Dude, you should be on TikTok!’ I laughed and said no, thinking TikTok was just for kids.”

Vusi’s initial hesitation reflects the same sentiment that many business owners share. If you’re a businessperson, like Vusi, selling products or services, you might be underestimating the power of TikTok. It’s time to think differently—TikTok isn’t just for dancing teens; it’s an untapped goldmine for marketing.

Why TikTok?

1. TikTok’s Explosive Growth: TikTok has more than 1 billion monthly active users. It’s not just a trend; it’s a dominant platform where businesses can reach a global audience.

2. Short-Form Content’s Power: In a fast-paced world, attention spans are shrinking. TikTok capitalises on this by promoting short, engaging videos that catch attention within seconds. Businesses can leverage this to deliver quick, impactful messages.

3. Viral Potential: TikTok’s unique algorithm makes it easier for videos to go viral, even for smaller accounts. If you craft the right content, the platform rewards you by pushing it to millions.

At Lai Marketing Agency, we’ve seen firsthand how businesses have skyrocketed by leveraging TikTok. One of our clients, a hardware and construction company, was struggling to gain traction with traditional marketing. We crafted a viral TikTok campaign focusing educational contents about their products. Within weeks, their video gained over 1 million views, and sales jumped by 150%.

Another client, a local restaurant, embraced TikTok by showcasing fun behind-the-scenes content of their chefs preparing meals. Their content went viral, gaining 3 million views, and more importantly, foot traffic to their restaurant increased by 40% in just a month.

These aren’t isolated cases—TikTok’s reach is immense, and its potential is only growing. Whether you’re a small business or an established brand, the opportunities for virality are there for the taking.

Now, you’re probably wondering, “How can I make my business go viral on TikTok?” Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Be Authentic: TikTok audiences value authenticity over polished perfection. Show the human side of your business. Whether it’s sharing day-to-day challenges or behind-the-scenes moments, raw, real content often resonates more.

2. Follow trends, but add your twist: TikTok thrives on trends, so it’s essential to stay current. But don’t just copy what others are doing—put your own spin on it. For example, if there’s a trending sound, use it creatively within the context of your business.

3. Engage Your Audience: Encourage interaction by asking questions or hosting challenges. One of our clients saw massive engagement after they hosted a “design your own T-shirt” challenge. Not only did it get people talking, but the user-generated content created more buzz around their brand.

4. Consistency is Key: Going viral often comes down to persistence. Post consistently and vary your content to see what resonates with your audience. The TikTok algorithm rewards consistent engagement, so stick with it.

TikTok is no longer an optional platform; it’s essential. Businesses that don’t get on board risk falling behind. The platform’s potential for virality, global reach, and customer engagement is unparalleled, and the results speak for themselves.

So, the next time you hear someone say, “TikTok is just for kids,” think again. Join Vusi Thembekwayo and countless others in embracing the future of marketing. Your next viral moment could be just a video away!

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Lai agency is a full-service marketing and media agency specializing in digital branding, experiential marketing, videography, photography, digital marketing, web developments, training, and Search Engine Optimizations (SEO).