Lai Marketing Agency

Dodoma Digital Workshop-Cavilum Complex,Dodoma

DATE Hosted: 4th December 2018

Dodoma digital workshop is a training designed to address the rapid impacts of digital transformation in the entire economy by assessing new demands, new digital technologies and platforms or the large business  ,SMEs, start up and advocacy groups in accordance to the rules and regulation governing computer system and information technology. Currently the majority of Tanzanians are using digital technologies in many ways but don’t place enough time and knowledge on the eff­ective utilization of these platforms so as to improve efficiency for both their personal success and of their businesses.

Dodoma digital workshop aims at gaining understanding among the participants on the new forms of digital innovation arising among the businesses and how they a­ffect them. The workshop will frame out the relating features of collaboration for digital innovation between Industry and government from the local, national and global level

It is expected to bring together 150 participants from Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs), companies, Civil Society Organizations and Community Based Organization in one roof with invited industry professionals and their expertise to share some real life examples in relation to the real life.



In today’s marketplace, brand is king. Regardless of the nature and size of your organization, it’s important to invest in building a strong brand to de­ne your niche in the marketplace and help you stand out from the crowd

In this session attendees learned the following:

I.How to de­ne and position your brand in the marketplace

II.How to develop a strong brand identity and key messages to target your customer(s)

III.How to build a tailored marketing strategy to promote your product or service

IV.Marketing tips for driving client and customer engagement to ensure long-term success


Abdallah Mbwana, Lai Marketing Agency

Ester Kimambo, Kim’s Food Production


Lameck Isaya , Lai Marketing Agency


This section focused on the importance of digital platforms in driving business and product innovation for individual and organization success.

The panel of experts  shared  insights on the power of digital markets and answered questions on how to leverage digital platforms such as

1 ) Paid search,

2) Search engine optimization

3) Content marketing,

4) Email, paid and organic social media marketing,

5) In­fluencer marketing, and digital advertising


Gillisant Maseko, Swahili Digital

Sebastian Ngasa , Ngasa Media


This section focused on bringing together panelists from diff­erent areas of expertise in order to discuss the relevance of innovation and its impact toward solving youth unemployment in Tanzania.

 In this session lessons learned were,

  1. The power of innovation in simplifying operations for a better and improved efficiency.
  2.  The impact of digital innovation on employment and local labor dynamics.
  3. The role of youth towards Tanzania industrialization through innovation.


Mr Iddy Mkumba, Taxify Dodoma

Mr Elisha William, SKY Mkoba

Miss Doris Mwenga, UDOM- CIVE


Mrs Alice Mwiru ,  WILForum

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Lai agency is a full-service marketing and media agency specializing in digital branding, experiential marketing, videography, photography, digital marketing, web developments, training, and Search Engine Optimizations (SEO).