Lai Marketing Agency


The african girl who was happy after understanding the power of storytelling in marketing

Storytelling 101: 7 Elements for Creating Stories That Sell (Part 3)

The response to the Storytelling Part 2 blog post gave me the confidence to create elements that, when combined, form what I call a framework for making stories sell for you. So let’s get started. First and foremost, I would like to highlight the elements of storytelling, as I prefer to call it, which is …

Storytelling 101: 7 Elements for Creating Stories That Sell (Part 3) Read More »

Lai Marketing

The Power of Benefits: How to Make Your Ads Irresistible to Your Customers

When I was preparing today’s blog post, after reading replies from our last blog post. I realised there was a need to clearly discuss the existing differences between features and benefits. In the last blog post, we mainly centred our discussion on the benefits of communicating a service’s or brand’s benefits instead of features, but …

The Power of Benefits: How to Make Your Ads Irresistible to Your Customers Read More »